Liquid / Gas Fired Hot Oil Boilers

Today, high temperature heat transfer systems are needed in many branches of industry. Hot water and steam systems can respond to these needs by reaching certain pressure values. However, the pressure values ​​required to reach high temperatures make hot water and steam systems disadvantageous in terms of cost, efficiency and safety. Heat generation and transfer at high temperatures can be achieved efficiently and safely with thermal oil systems.

Thermal oil systems are systems used in industrial facilities to meet the need for high temperature fluids, which other alternative fluids cannot reach, at low pressure.

In thermal oil systems, various thermal oils are used that can be heated up to 300-320ºC at atmospheric pressure without losing their properties. Due to the properties of the fluid used in the system, there are no failures that reduce efficiency and require maintenance, such as corrosion and fouling in pipe lines and vessels. Thermal oil boilers are designed to be used with both liquid and gaseous fuels, taking into account the properties of liquid fuels such as diesel and fuel oil and gaseous fuels such as natural gas and LPG.

In the design phase of the boilers:

  • Type
  • Capacity
  • Type of fuel to be used and its characteristics
  • Required heating surface
  • Features of the thermal oil to be used
  • Number of coils according to the amount of fluid to circulate
  • Smoke gas flow rate
  • Kızgın yağ giriş-çıkış sıcaklık farkı
  • Thermal oil inlet-outlet temperature difference are designed after calculations are made by considering many parameters such as furnace heat load.

Since the designed thermal oil boilers are three-pass, they are highly efficient. In line with the applied construction criteria, the thermal inertia of the boiler has been minimized and the combustion and heat transfer efficiency has been maximized. The circulation tubes are manufactured in such a way that they do not allow the bypass of the flue gas, without any shrinkage and deformation.

Boiler outer body is insulated on rock wool of appropriate thickness, covered with galvanized, aluminum or stainless sheet. In order to protect the parts affected by the flame, a suitable form of refractory material is placed inside the boiler.

In order to minimize the risk, integrating the necessary control and automation equipment (temperature, pressure, flow control) into the system in terms of operation and safety is done.

Thermal oil boilers are manufactured horizontally or vertically according to customer demand and boiler room layout.

The reasons for the preference of thermal oil systems in industrial use;

  • Better temperature control: Temperature control in thermal oil systems can be done much more perfectly and effectively with automatic control valves. This greatly helps to ensure a standard quality in the product produced.
  • Low operating and maintenance costs: When operating costs, system efficiency, personnel costs, water, maintenance, repair and spare parts costs are taken into account, operating and maintenance costs of thermal oil systems are much lower than steam systems
  • The system is safer due to its low pressure: Compared to the steam system, thermal oil boilers are operated at low pressure and open to the atmosphere by means of expansion tanks. The pressure in the system is limited to the pressure required to overcome the boiler and tube losses in the thermal oil circulation pumps. The need for qualified personnel for the use of thermal oil boilers with their low pressure and safe systems is less than steam systems.
  • Long-lasting use of the system: Thermal oil systems can be used in enterprises for a long time without the need for renewal, provided that the necessary maintenance, repair, periodical control and cleaning processes are carried out completely.
  • High efficiency: Although the efficiency of the thermal oil boiler is lower than the efficiency of the steam boiler due to the high flue gas outlet temperature, when considered as a system, the efficiency of the thermal oil system is higher since there are no condensate losses, blowdown losses, flash steam losses and water losses in the steam system.